The Botanicals portion is still a work-in-progress. In the {near} future I plan on having packages and individual herbal products specific to menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and sexual health. Please check back soon to see if the herbal magic is ready for you and yours!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of herbs I suggest for pregnant folks:

Herbs to support fertility:

- Ashwagandha (or any adaptogen you're comfortable or familiar with)

- Shatavari (tincture or capsule)

- Evening Primrose Oil (discontinue if pregnant)

- Maca

- Damiana, Chamomile, Tulsi, Skullcap, Passionflower (any nervine, really)

Herbs for early pregnancy:

- Ginger Ginger Ginger

- Cranberry

- Valerian (helps with deeper, more sound sleeping)

- Nettle (significant source of vitamins and minerals, nourishes the body)

- Alfalfa (significant source of vitamins and minerals, increases milk supply)

- Moringa (studies show it can aid in fetal growth and development and can aid in newborn growth through breastmilk)

Herbs for your 36 week GBS test:

- GARLIC GARLIC GARLIC (eat tons of it the night before, or the morning of your test. If you're really worried about testing positive you can insert a single raw clove into your vagina before bed the night before your test and remove in the morning)

Herbs and foods to help induce labor:

- Red Raspberry Leaf (safe to take from 36 weeks+ in tea form, drink daily x2 or x3) (helps with uterine tone)

- Dates

- Castor Oil (with the guidance of your OB/midwife)

- Pineapple

- Evening Primrose Oil (with the guidance of your OB/midwife)

- Ultimately though, the above mentioned things work best when combined with gentle movement, intimacy, orgasm, chiropractic care, acupuncture and low stress.

Herbs for the immediate postpartum:

- Nettle

- Yellow Dock (root)

- Dandelion (root)

- Rose Hips (rich in vitamin C)

* best to make a tea out of these things before going into labor, or in early labor

- Molasses (just a spoonful or so) (very rich in iron)

Herbs for the postpartum period and breastfeeding:

- Rose Hips

- Nettle

- Chamomile or Damiana

- Red Raspberry

- Fenugreek

- Fennel

- Oats of any kind (Milky Oats tincture or simply eating oats)

- Lemon Balm

- Goat's Rue

- Hops

- Shatavari

- Red Clover

- White Peony Root

Herbs for a sitz bath:

- Epsom Salts

- Chamomile

- Calendula

- Comfrey

- Sage

- Witch Hazel Blossoms

- Lavender

- Yarrow

Foods for the postpartum period:

- I would HIGHLY suggest ordering this book to supplement the foods you're already making. It's an incredible cookbook. Some of the recipes are a bit bougie, but for the most part they're amazing!